Juccini Copper Jewelry & its Symbolism
Tibet is a beautiful land of mysteries in China, located between India and the Himalayan Mountains in the south. The advent of Buddhism from India had a significant impact on traditional nomadic culture, to the point where most of Tibet's cultural achievements are linked to Buddhism.
It's no wonder that symbols and symbolic artifacts of many kinds can be found in Tibet, given the popularity of Tantra, and its culture of symbolism. The symbols that originated in Tibet have their own symbolic and cultural meaning.
Here, we will dive into the most popular symbols and their meaning in Tibet.
“Om Vajrapani Hum” is another powerful chant in Tibetan Buddhism. Vajrapani is one of the three bodhisattvas, that is, the one who seeks enlightenment. Vajrapani Mantra is the chant of his name, which symbolizes, “the wielder of the thunderbolt”. The mantra is positioned between the mystical syllables of Om and Hum. It represents the irrepressible energy and allows us to access it.
Juccini provides various accessories with the Vajrapani mantra engraved in them that promote strength, positive energy, and enlightenment.
“Om Mani Padme Hum” Mantra
“Om Mani Padme Hum” is a special chant in Sanskrit, pronounced OHM-MAH-NEE-PAHD-MAY-HUM. It translates to English to “Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus”. As all the teachings of the Buddha are wrapped in these words, their meaning is vague and vast. Juccini offers multiple jewelries with the engraving of “Om Mani Padme Hum” Mantra.
Breaking the Mantra down, the Tibetan chant represents:
Om = the vibration or sound of the universe. It represents divine energy and generosity. It is also believed to purify the ego
Ma = represents ethics and is believed to purify jealousy
Ni = represents patience and is believed to purify want or desire
Pad = represents diligence and is believed to purify ignorance and judgment
Me = represents concentration and is believed to purify attachment
Hum = the unity of all. It represents wisdom and is believed to purify hatred

Dragon has been one of the major aspects of Tibetan culture for more than 7000 years. Dragons have traditionally been associated with strength, creativity, heaven, and good fortune in Tibet. They are believed to control bodies of water, rain, floods, and storms. Tibetan dragons are also believed to be Buddhist protectors whose strong voices awaken us from our slumber.
Juccini offers a beautiful stunning bright orange copper bracelet with dragon embossed that signifies strength and fearlessness.
In Buddhism, fire represents "the self”. It represents whatever we mistake for a self that is eternal, changeless, and unaffected by the external environment. The symbol of fire as self is derived from the Vedic culture in which the Buddha lived when fire rituals were perceived to alter one's personality (atman).
Lotus Flower
The lotus denotes purity of body, speech, and mind in Tibetan Buddhism. As lotus floats above the murky water and rises to the top to showcase its beauty, lotus symbolizes rising above the murky rivers of material attachment and physical desire. Gautama Buddha's initial steps, according to mythology, caused lotus flowers to bloom everywhere he walked.
The chain symbolizes someone of dependent origination. In Sanskrit, the chain is called Paticca-samuppada which is the idea that describes the causes of pain and the sequence of events that bring a being through rebirth, old age, and death.
The Juccini chain bracelets, however, represent the breaking of such sorrows, pain, and sufferings.
Tibetan Buddhism is diverse, fascinating, and rich in tradition. It has numerous profound teachings. The majority of these teachings come from Tibetan Buddhist monks who are highly enlightened. The ideas of life, death, reincarnation, and existence in Tibetan Buddhism are profound and rational. The majority of these ideas come from Buddhism's rich meditation and contemplative culture. These symbols are a small part of the representation of such deep teachings and lessons.
Connie Whiteley on
Love the rings. I will probably buy many more items.
Connie Whiteley on
Love the rings. I will probably buy many more items.